How To Do a Chest Trap

How To Do a Chest Trap In Soccer

Many players around the globe battle to keep your ball with their first touch. This really is either by poor technique or lack of knowledge or where defenders are. Watch the very best players all over the world while they have spent several hours honing their technique regarding how to control the ball properly. Below are a few techniques and drills that will assist you improve both a touch and ball control.

The way to control the ball


When receiving the ball, it is best to help keep the ball stepping into space or away from a defender, rather than to create the ball with a complete stop. When getting the ball, you need to get in touch just over the center of the ball to maintain the ball over the ground. You need to cushion the ball, this brings the ball below your control. The great footballers can invariably settle the ball quickly and away from defenders and into space. This gives them additional time to help keep one step in front of the opposition. In order to move the ball into space and far from defenders, it is important that you're aware of what you are planning to do with the ball before you get the entire stop.


Trapping is unique to receiving in the manner that trapping is to bring the ball with a complete stop. Trapping is typically used when the ball travels too fast so that you can control effectively. When trapping the ball you should stay relaxed and also on your toes. Contrary to being tense and stiff, this enables you to adjust quickly. When trapping the ball cushioning plays an important part. When cushioning you have to consider the pace off of the ball, this is achieved by withdrawing your foot at the moment of impact.

The way to practice control

The best and many effective way to rehearse control is with someone. The two of you can practice the various forms of control by passing the ball to one another or throwing the ball together. If you cannot obtain a partner, the subsequent most sensible thing can be a wall. A wall gives you the chance to practice the abilities you want provided you want. With a wall you are able to practise simple passing and receiving to volleys and chest control. It's important when practising ball control, that you practice with both feet. Having the capacity to control the ball with each of your feet allows you to unpredictable to defenders.

Control with all the inside of the foot

When manipulating the ball with all the inside of the Foot, the supporting leg must be slightly bent and should be planted 45 to 90? in terms of the trail from the ball. At the moment of contact, cushion the ball along the original path, moving the ball either into space or away from a defender.

Control with all the outside of the foot

How To Do a Chest Trap In Soccer

This method is useful when you've got the defender pressuring from behind. Firstly you must get a body in between the ball and defender standing slightly sideways together with your arm slightly raised, to be able to Push or wait a defender. The supporting leg should be slightly bent in a roughly 90? angle from where the ball is arriving. Around the moment of contact the ball is cushioned using the not in the foot giving your opponent absolutely no way to get the ball fairly.